Leading with the Human-Me in the Machine World

In Conversation with Padmini Murthy, Fractional/Growth CMO Mom, Founder - Content Sense
The Journey to here…
Rebuilding in a machine ++ world
Padmini's professional and personal journey- to- here is quite interesting. She likes to call herself a 'late bloomer'. The initial years went in raising her son and building her extended family and ecosystem. As an Indian-American immigrant who came into the United States 25 years ago, she finds new energy and headspace to march into the next phase of her growth. She carries with her more than a decade and a half of experience in technology marketing to make new footprints and to rewire and rebuild in the machine world.
“Nothing sticks like being yourself whilst everyone’s taken. Whether you're leading an organization or a family, bringing your best (and chaotic), but your most authentic self to everything (including the robots), is the magic pill."
Read her nuggets and experiences on the value of the ‘human-me’...
Yes, we mess up!
Light bulb moments with my 16-year-old
Faux pas - and that's the beauty of being human. We end up stumbling on less-discovered paths, which opens up ways to find unique experiences, doesn't it? Very interestingly, my son and I were discussing his college applications, and he said - "mum, I need to find a way to tell a different story in my application. Can you help me"?
My response to him was, "son, become that story. Make mistakes, feel vulnerable, and be open to experiences, but in all this, stay connected to your truth so you can accept
the consequences and see where life takes you. And if you're not messing up, you're not learning or growing. Remember, just like the AI algorithm, which is constantly calibrating, learning and improving.
Because we care
The emotional intelligence + the South Asian cultural rooting
Yes, women are wired to care. And that's a boon and a privilege. The emotional intelligence that comes out of that type of DNA is unmatchable. And the mountains we can move by applying that intelligence to change things around us are limitless.
Often, though, I see women getting into an imposter syndrome mode. Being overwhelmed by the system and the mechanics, there are cycles of self-doubt and self-worth assessment. At the cost of stereotyping, it's true more for South Asian women who come from a vastly different cultural construct. They find themselves dealing with this dichotomy quite frequently.
However, some can turn this intelligence and all the cultural conditioning into strength. The emotional investment, nurturing, and giving become an untold story of bravery and love. While the machine world has still not decoded the construct of emotions and deep feelings, this is our way to stand out and stand with AI, yes?
The long game for the long tail
Run the race at your own speed. Watch for the bumps, but enjoy the ride.
You've heard this many times, but at the cost of sounding like a broken record - it's a journey, and it's all about the journey! And through this, there are many 'aha' and 'oh no' moments. The good part - one event doesn't define the course. The not-so-good part - don't let one event define your course:-).
A triathlete has to be multidextrous at reaching the finish line but might, along the way, realize that running is their core strength. A kid, while good at both math and science, might, along the way, find more passion in medicine - as a function of having seen their parents create an impact as doctors.
Let the data normalize itself to find an emerging pattern (similar to an algorithm), but listen to your heart (unlike the algorithm). A combination of these could be your human-me winning formula!
The power of the human-me
Refactor the emotions
The best leaders constantly 'learn from the street,' understanding and deconstructing complex emotions to drive signals. Situations change, and people evolve based on their experiences. The process of refactoring helps to understand the human-me in everyone through their unique journey. All this is to build a better place to hang out and do our part - human by human in an increasingly machine-driven era! And yes, women are hands-down well-placed to own and lead this charter.
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